


地址: 台北市大同區哈密街61號
電話: 02-2595-1676

關帝君爺的行天宮, 城隍爺的霞海城隍廟, 以及 觀世音菩薩的龍山寺

Many temples in Taiwan
The most well-known is
The Xing Tien Temple of the Emperor Guandi, the Xiahai City God Temple of the Cheng Huang Ye,
and the Longshan Temple of Guanyin Bodhisattva

今天要介紹的是 隱身於大同區
座落在 孔廟旁的 『大龍峒保安宮』

What I want to introduce today is invisible in Da Tong District
『DalongDong Bao'an Temple』located next to the Confucius Temple

它 創建於 1742年
清朝時期, 與艋舺龍山寺, 清水巖祖師廟, 有台北三大寺廟之稱

It was established in 1742
Commonly known as "Dalang Pump Palace" or "Donggong Temple"

During the Qing Dynasty, it is known as the three major temples in Taipei,
with the Longshan Temple, the Qingshuiyan Zushi Temple together

過去到現在的選舉, 也有許多政治人物來這
像是蘇貞昌,以及近期的行政院長  賴清德
也都來這請示 保生大帝

The elections of past and present, there are also many politicians coming here
Like the Su Tseng-chang of Majoy Candidate,
and the Excutive Dean /Lai QuinDe

All come here to request from "Po Seng Tai-Te"

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那我們就來介紹 保安宮裡的 主角 "保生大帝"

Let us introduce the "Po Seng Tai-Te"
the protagonist of Bao'an Temple

保安宮的正殿之神 即 "保生大帝" (非保佑生育)
保生大帝有 "醫神"之稱, 喜歡濟世救人, 專門就那些患有惡疾之人

The God of the main hall of the Bao'an Temple is "Po Seng Tai-Te"
Who is the Lord Sacrifice of a Temple

"Po Seng Tai-Te" has a name of "Doctor God",
Who like to save the world, specificatlly for those who suffer from malaria

十七歲那年受異人引渡謁見西王母(瑤池金母), 授其斬妖降魔之術
當初與祂一同濟世的, 還有 黃醫官, 程真人,

According to the historical sources,
Po Seng Emperor is smart and unforgettable from an early age
At the age of seventeen, he was extradited to see the Western Queen (Yaochi Jinmu)

and she was gaven the magic to demons.

於宋朝年間, 因修練得道, 而成仙
宋高宗登基時, 因感念祂的偉業, 而賜號 "大道真人",
又被 敕封「昊天御史醫靈真君」

In the Song Dynasty, he becomes a immortal by through his wholehearted practice
When Song Gaozong ascended the throne,
he was given the title of "Avenue of Reality" because of his great deeds.

After, was also smashed by "昊天御史医灵真君"


介紹完正殿, 我們也順便簡單了解一下 後殿 & 東西護室, 增長知識

After Introducing the main hall, let us also take a look at the Back Hall
& The East/West God, growing the knowledge

後殿 Back Hall

神農大帝 / Shennong Emperor

神農大帝姓姜名軌, 三歲就懂農事, 像是發明田具, 教導民眾開墾,
種植五穀, 以及親嚐百草等等.

Shennong Emperor, the surnamed is Jiang, and name is "Gui". At the age of three,
he knew about farming, such as inventing field tools, teaching people about reclamation,
planting grains, and taste the grass and so on.

相傳百年前, 台北連月乾旱, 農民焦急著跟大帝祈禱求雨, 獲得指示由
『需從景尾溪仔口乞雨, 酉時可見雨下』,乞雨隊伍還沒到雙連, 則忽然
滂沱大雨, 旱象即解除. 於是人民感念其幫助, 即將神農大帝迎入 『保安


A hundred years ago, the legend said Taipei was in a drought and the farmer anxious to pray
with the Emperor for the rain. It said "You need to pray for the rain from the mouth of the river
at Jingwei, when you can see the rain" The Team has not yet reached the "Shuang Lian", the
heavy rain coming suddently, then the drought is released. The people know their help, then
the Shennong Emperor will be welcomed into the security guard. The palace APSE is seated.

《摘錄擷取自 保安宮官方網站

關聖帝君 / Guanshengdijun

關聖帝君, 俗稱『恩主公』, 本名關羽, 字雲長, 大家應該挺耳熟能詳的. 關聖帝君乃玉皇上帝近伺,
負責監督世間善惡之事, 懲罰作奸犯科之神.

Guanshengdijun, commonly known as "Emperor", the real name is "Guan Yu", the word called
Yu Chang, everyone should be familir with it. Guanshengdijun is a servant of Jade Emperor,
responsible for supervising the good and evil in the world, punishing the traitors.

但稱恩主, 並非僅指關聖帝君一神, 如稱『孚佑帝君』為呂恩主, 即人稱的呂洞賓, 而一般都以關聖
帝君、孚佑帝君和九天司命真君三者, 合稱為『三恩主』

But called "Emperor", not only for the "Guanshengdijun", such as "Fuyoudijun" is the one that
commonly know as "Lu Dongbin". In general, they are the three master of Guanshengdijun,
Fuyou Emperor, and Jiutian Sizhen.

東西護室 / The East/West God

註生娘娘 / Goddess of child birth

大家對於註生娘娘應該不陌生, 顧名思義她是掌管保佑孕婦, 生育及幼兒成長之神

Everyone should be familiar with the birth of the goddess, as the word meaning,  she is the god
of blessing pregnant woman, brith and young children.

保安宮奉祀的註生娘娘, 兩旁亦配祀十二婆祖, 負責看護代表生男育女. 據說民間信仰有一說法,
就是紅花生女, 白花生男, 女人本質如花, 每株花冥冥之中註定有幾多花要開, 而註生娘娘則負責
生男育女的人數, 生育簿上均有記載

The goddess of child birth Which Dalongdong Boa'an Temple enshirement, both sides are also
equipped with twelve ancestors, whose responsible for nursing baby boys and girls. There is a
saying in folk beliefs, which is Red folwer will give birth to girls, and White flower will give birth
to boys, woman is like a flower, every flower is destined to have flower to open, and the goddess
of child birth is responsible for the number for giving boys and girls, there is recorded in the birth

天上聖母 / Tianshang Shengmu (Mazu)

天上聖母又稱媽祖, 俗名林默娘. 生於宋太祖年間, 因誕生之日後一整個月不聞啼聲, 故命名為

Tianshang Shengmu is also called "Mazu", the common name is Lin Mo Niang. She borned in
emperor Taizu of Song, since she did not cry for a month when she borned, so named it "Lin
Mo Niang".

媽祖從小聰穎, 五歲習經, 八歲從師, 十三歲拜玄通道士為師, 習得秘法, 二十三歲在桃花山收服
千里眼和順風耳, 並當其左右部將.

Mazu is very smart when she was a child she read scripture at five, and learn with teacher at
eight, take the Hyun Taoist Priest to be a teacher at thirteen and got the secret technique, she
conquered the clairvoyance & a well-informed person at twenty-three, and they are being the
Mazu's side ministry.

以上是關於保安宮的簡單介紹, 這些都是保安宮網站上的資料, 若您有興趣的話, 我相信真正的
走訪一趟, 會讓你深入了解祂們的慈懷, 您也可以跟廟裡的師兄師姐們討教討教.

Aboves are the simply introduction of Bao'an Temple, there info are all from the website of
Boa'an Temple, if you are really interesting in it, I recommend you to go to the Temple, then
you could know more about them, and you could also learn and request more from the senior
of the temple.



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