聽說來日本東京, 一定要去台場走一遭
所以, 這當然要放入此次我的東京之旅口袋名單囉
結束了 淺草寺的巡禮, 往 台場 前進!!
I heard that when you come to Tokyo, Japan, then you must visit Odaiba, especially girls and lovers
So, this must be on my pocket list for this trip to Tokyo!
After the parade at Sensoji Temple, we are moving forward to the Odaiba!!!
適逢 2017 年末的 30號, 加上 Saturday
我們決定早一點往台場移動, 免得待會兒連看煙火的立點都沒有
到了台場, 看到這樣的景色
原來, 台場 擁有了海景, 大橋, 東京鐵塔, 自由女神
以及晚上絢爛的 煙火秀
怪不得, 即使在這低溫5度左右的冬日, 每一個人都還是想來這裡
When arrived at Odaiba, seeing this view
It turns out that Odaiba has a sea view, bridge, Tokyo Tower, Statue of Liberty
And the colorful fireworks display
No wonder that everyone still wants to come here even in this winter with a low temperature of about 5 degrees
原本我是想要去一家餐廳 Star Road, 一邊吃法式料理, 一邊看夜景
Since we are going to watch the fireworks later
Then let us fill our stomach first!
Originally, we plan to go to a restaurant which name is "STAR ROAD"
Enjoy French cuisine while watching the night view
But things is not always going smoothly, the restaurant is closed!
當下只好在 Aqua City 找景觀餐廳囉~
重點來了.... 問了好幾家景觀餐廳, 原來大家都比我們早先卡位了
Wayne 厚著臉皮問了一家餐廳, 他讓我們有著靠窗的位子, 但是限時 90分鐘
At that moment, we can only find another landscape restaurant at the Aqua City right away
The point is.... after checking few landscape restaurant
Everyone had already booked the restaurant first
Wayne cheekily asked for a restaurant and he gave us a window seat,
but the time limit was 90 minutes
一整個昏黃的餐廳, 的確有種浪漫微光
但是.... 整個菜色也跟著微黃光了起來
我們 很滿足地享用了義大利麵, 以及它窗外美麗的彩虹橋
A whole dim restaurant, there is indeed a kind of romantic shimmer
But.... the whole dish is also slightly yellowish
We were very satisfied with the pasta and the beautiful rainbow bridge outside the window
Aqua 的餐廳, 其實很多元, 也很有特色
In fact, the Aqua's restaurant is really multipal and distinctive
聽說, 整八點會有煙火秀, 咱們該來卡位了!!
I heard that there will be a firework show at 8 o'clock, it's time to get a booth seat!
台場的煙火秀, 最迷人的是
有彩虹橋, 有自由女神像
遠眺 東京紅色鐵塔
The Odaiba's fireworks show, the most fascinating is
There is Rainbow Bridge, with statue of Liberty
Overlooking the Red of Tokyo Tower
配上那五光十色 有微笑 有星空的煙火
With the colorful fireworks with smiles and stars
It's indeed worth standing and watching for 30 minutes
每個人還是目不轉睛 拿著相機猛拍著不停
Stand outside with a low temperature of 4-5 degrees
Everyone is still staring, holding the camera and slamming it
過往, 我不曾在國外跨年,
上一次的國外煙火秀, 應該是N年前在美國的獨立紀念日的煙火秀吧!
台場 當然不只有煙火秀
還有 迷人的鋼彈人 "獨角獸鋼彈 RX-0"
瞧~ 這白色獨角獸鋼彈 泛著藍光
是不是很帥阿~ (Wayne 在旁邊小吃醋) XDD
OK! 來台場的任務都已達成.....
咱們該打道回府.... 休息休息啦~