不出門 也值得
住宿以安全為優先選擇,加上 想度假的心情
於是,選擇了這間 半藏門格蘭亞克
At the beginning, considering that I'm traveling alone
Accommodation is priority for safety, plus the holiday mood
So, I choose the "Hotel Grand Arc Hanzomon" for my accommondation
終於, 順利地從 有樂町 轉到 半藏門
幸好我的方向感不差, 讓沒有網路的我
還可以用離線goggle 看著地圖 找尋下禢飯店的方位
Finally, Successfully transferred from Yurakucho Line to Hanzomon Line
Fortunately, my sense of direction is not bad
Even without Internet, I can still use the offline google map
looking for the direction of my hotel "Grand Arc Hanzomon"
映入眼簾的景色, 真的讓我大大的驚艷
After Check-in
When I open the door,
The scene that catches my eyes, really makes me amazing
Hotel Grand Arc Hanzomon
102-0092 東京都, Chiyoda-ku Hayabusa-cho 1-1, 日本
訂房網站: https://www.booking.com/hotel/jp/grand-arc-hanzomon.zh-tw.html
半藏門格蘭亞克座落於 千代田的皇居旁
在幽靜的住宅旁, 凡而讓人更加舒服和自在
Grand Arc Hanzomon located next to the Imperial Palace in Chiyoda
It is not in a area where the high-end department stores are located
But besides the secluded house, that makes me feel more comfortable and easy
既然來了, 當然不能一直待在房間裡
因為, 我的第一站 - 日本郵政博物館
Since I came, I can not stay in the room for sure
I'm ready to start my Japan schedule
My First Station - Japan Postal Museum
不多說, 來去半藏門線搭車囉~
Without further ado, let us go to take the Metro "Hanzomon Line"
所以選擇了半藏門線可到達的點, 那就 Sky Tree 吧!
既可以參觀 郵政博物館,
晚上還可以逛逛晴空塔, 看看上次沒見到的夜景
The first day, I did not dare to go too far in the afternoon
So I chose the reachable place by the Hanzomon Line at Oshiage station
Both can visit the Postal Museum, but also can visit the Skytree Tower in the evening
And look at the night scene that I miss last time
東京郵政博物館 Tokyo Postal Museum
131-8139 Tokyo, Sumida, Oshiage, 1 Chome−1−2
營業時間: 10:00am - 17:30pm
門票: 大人/日幣三百元
話說, 愈簡單的時候, 就愈容易出問題
當我出了押上站, 我差一點在晴空塔的周圍來回走八遍
The easier it is, the easier it will be something happening
Probably because I did not study thoroughly
When I got out the Oshiage Station,
I nearly walked around the Skytree Tower eight times
其實 它就隱藏在晴空塔的九樓
嗚嗚~ 可是 Google 定位在旁邊 讓我極度錯亂
Actually, The Postal Musem just hidden on the nine floor of the Skytree
Woo~ The Google map located just at side of Skytree that makes me extremely confused.
Fortunately, there is information center assist
我們就進來 郵政所謂的 "始的世界"
Let us come into the Postal Museum which called "Beginning of the world"
Discovering how the communication were trasmitted in earlier Japan
The Post Box in earlier Japan is realy exquisite
It makes me have an impulse to take a picture with it together
早期日本郵局的衣服, 怎麼看起來像官員一樣
The clothes of the early Japanese office looked like goverment official
我挺好奇 為何寫上 赤乙 和 白乙
不過, 我不懂日文, 無從問起!只好作罷!
I'm quite curious about why the bag wrote "Yi B" & "Bai B"
But, I don't understand Japanese and can not speak Janpanese, so I give up!
《日本政府在1914年對外的賀年信 Japan's goverment external greeting in 1914 》
館區內還有很多互動式的設施, 像是送信的摩托車
還有免費郵政專屬的明信片, 自己動手做的唷!
因為每人只限一張, 所以務必要耐心等候
The Postal Museum in Tokyo is truely a reach collection of people
There are many interactive facilities in the museum,
Such as motorcycles for delivery
And free postal exclusive postcard, you can do it yourself!
Due to free postcard per person, be sure to wait patiently
接下來, 下樓去逛逛街吧!
Finally, completed my postal exclusive postcard
Next, go downstairs and go shopping~
《Next: 一個人的東京 - 前進夜晚的 Skytree》